Exporting a List of your Customers as a CSV Report

You can export a list of all or some of your Customers, as Comma Separated Values (CSV) for your use, by following the below mentioned process:

  1. Login to your Reseller Control Panel. See details

  2. In the Menu, point to Customers and click Export.

  3. You may sort your list based on either or all, of these criteria:

    • Country: To get a list of Customers from a particular Country, select it from this drop down, otherwise leave this field as Select a Country to search for Customers from all countries.

    • Customer Status: Select Active or Suspended to narrow your criteria or leave as Any to select all.

    • Creation Date Between: By default, this field displays a date range beginning from the last week. You may select the beginning date as per your requirements by toggling the appropriate drop downs.

    • Total Receipts Between: By specifying the Total Receipts figure in these text boxes, you can target a specific set of your Customers.

    Upon clicking the Export as CSV button, Gospel iDEA would be emailing you a list of all your Customers that satisfy the criteria you mentioned above, at your Reseller Username (Email Address). You may also mark a copy of the exported CSV file to one or more custom email address by specifying the same under the Mark a copy of the Export to (Email Addresses) field.


    You may specify multiple email addresses in the Mark a copy of the Export to (Email Addresses) field by separating them with a comma (,).


The system will accept only 1 Export request at a time and you will not be allowed to submit another request, until you have been emailed the results of your previous action.